General Information
Pierre Delaunay
Pierre helps men engage with life more fully - as friends, lovers, brothers, partners, leaders…
He lives in a small community geared towards the various ecological and human transitions (close to Brittany, France). Most of his passion, including The Original Circling® Approach embed connexion at their core :
Contact Improv / Dance / Freediving / Natural Movement / Tree Climbing
His early career as an engineer quickly transitioned into a more human-centered one. He helped hundreds of men improve their sexual life teaching presence and somatic awareness.
Pierre found The Original Circling Approach through John Verveake in 2021. He felt immediately touched by the depth, connection and aliveness found in this practice. Circling became his path. This practice affords a way of looking deeper, getting real and embracing whatever comes in his relationships.
He strongly believes in the importance of relational skills and personal sovereignty to address the numerous complexities of our era. Circling not only transformed him on a profoundly intimate level. It revealed a Way of Being in the world that is deeply precious and relevant for our “times between worlds”.
He now leads workshops, programs, and offers personal coaching aimed at exploring and integrating this way of being into our every day lives. Being with what is here. And watch it unfold.
Get in touch with Pierre’s work bellow.